Elizabeth I is considered one of the most successful and popular monarchs. Clever, enigmatic and flirtatious, she rewrote the rules of being a queen. But, what was she really like?

Task 1: Explore the timeline
Take a journey through history and find out about the Tudors. Choose three major events that marked their age.
Task 2: Crack the code

Elizabeth was forced to live with the threat of assassination throughout her reign. But there was an army of men working in secret to protect the Queen: spies had to learn not only to decipher code but also how to write it themselves.
Here is a letter written in code. Once you have answered all twenty questions you will be able to read the secret message. Next, produce your own letter using code. Refer to the timeline in task 1 to help you find the answers.
Task 3: Help the Queen
Elizabeth and Victoria are getting ready for an eventful day, help them dress up! Make sure their clothes don't get mixed up, though!
Task 4: Playing Queen
This clip shows Queen Elizabeth's story played by four actresses: Bette Davis, Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren and Anne-Marie Duff.
Vote for the best and make a brief presentation saying why she is the closest to your image of Queen Elizabeth.
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